Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dunlop Factory

Dunlop Factory
Originally uploaded by frontdrive34
No wise words here.

So, I recently got taken to The Dunlop Factory in Alexandria. I'd seen numerous shots taken by people appear on Flickr and was mildly interested. It's a pretty large complex that actually has "Dunlop - Slazenger" branding on the exterior. Its a pretty graffiti filled space a la Glebe Tram Sheds and with easy access.

I thought there would be a couple of people there but was amazed to see a dozen plus, all with cameras, including a whole group (with make up artist) participating in an off camera flash course. Now this is a property that someone owns, someone may have insurance policies for, may even have plans for aka demolision but there it sits as a public liabilty nightmare.

I kind of find the whole graffiti thing dull but seeing this once busy and productive space in ruin, loved it!

I was also amazed at how well my Polaroid 103 with Fuji FP100-B worked. The strong light was on the XO floor panel but it exposed nicely right to the back.

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